Friday, January 27, 2012

Update after follow-up cerclage appointment

We went at 8am today to RMH MFM to check up on how my cerclage and cervix is holding up.
I had been on the couch or in bed since Monday after being released from the hospital until today.

My cervical length was 3.5cm!  It was 3cm the day of the cerclage, which is what it should be around 3cm but it actually gained some length and stability after the cerclage and resting.  There was also NO more funneling!  You can see the two stitches on the ultrasound screen, which I think is pretty interesting.

Jimmy and I were so relieved, I cannot tell you how happy this news made us!
Baby boy was doing great when we checked on him, HR at 151.  He was kicking and putting his legs up and just having a good time, LOL.  He has been very active today, which I love, it is reassuring and always makes me smile!

Dr. P is letting me get back to my "normal" activities now.  She said no marathons though :D  I'm too afraid to do too much anyway and the restrictions I mentioned in a previous post still apply.

We are still going in for weekly appointments that will include an ultrasound to check the baby's heart rate and a scan of my cervix and stitches.  I will also be checked for bladder infections weekly and of course, get my 17P injections.
I actually did not have a bladder infection on Monday like they thought.  I had an vaginal infection of group b strep, which is what they thought happened when we lost Lindsey.  As I mentioned before, I am a chronic carrier of GBS and apparently prone to an overgrowth of this bacteria.  Many people carry this bacteria but pregnant women are screened for it because if you are positive and have a vaginal birth you must be treated with antibiotics during delivery to protect the baby.  Usually women are not screened until they near delivery.

Here's the little guy from today!!  He looks like he's making a sucking face or something LOL - so cute!  You can see one of his knees pulled up towards his chest, he was kicking around during the u/s!

I am about 22 weeks now and 24 weeks marks the beginning of the viability window.  However, babies born this early can have a lot of complications and can be hospitalized for months.  We are hoping that we can get at least to 28 weeks where babies have a very very good chance of survival when born at this GA (gestational age), but hopefully we will get to 37 weeks where he will be considered full term!

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