Tuesday, July 26, 2011

First Steps

Wednesday July 27th I will have my first diagnostic test, an SHG or sonohysterogram.
This is a diagnostic test used to look inside the uterus to identify any abnormalities.  While we are not expecting anything unusual but I am still nervous about the possibilities and the procedure itself.

My plan is to focus on learning about what I am seeing on the u/s screen and to ask a lot of questions.  This will distract me from any discomfort I feel and hopefully help me relax.  I'm sure it will all be over before I know it, but I just hate procedures!  I better get used to them because they aren't going to stop any time soon…...

Today is really not helping my anxieties.  I feel like crawling into bed and sleeping for the rest of the week!  I am irritated and emotional.  I haven't really felt this way since the raging hormones of my last pregnancy and it's not something I enjoy experiencing unless I'm pregnant!  I actually think it's PMS!

I am hoping that we will be getting the green light to TTC again after tomorrow's SHG.  That is, if my doctor and I are on the same page and I have no reason to not believe she is.  I am about 7 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight still but I have been making progress over this past month and continue to lose weight.  My plan is to continue exercising as long as I am physically able to!
This appt. and the possibility of TTC again this month are bringing on a whole new set of emotions.  I am thrilled but at the same time terrified.  However, my old routines have resumed and I am in a better place than I was a month ago.  I am still completely devastated when thinking about the loss of our Lindsey but I've been able to deal with those emotions as they come and go, but also to focus on my life and every day activities better than ever.

Wish me luck for tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck! I have had a shg before and it was an easy procedure! I hope you get the green light to start TTC.
